
Covid-19 Policy


Due to the seriousness of the Covid-19 pandemic, all team members are expected to follow this plan. Management is taking a zero-tolerance approach; any failure to comply could be considered serious misconduct.

High risk employees

Warmup will not allow any team member that is considered high risk to come to work. This includes anyone over 70 or anyone who is immune-compromised. This person will not be able to return to work until a medical professional declares them as fit to do so.

Emergency management

Any team member that is exposed to Covid-19 or suspected to have been exposed must:

• notify management at their earliest opportunity

• provide a list of work-related contacts for the last 5 days to management for the purposes of contact tracing

• self-isolate for 14 days, or until the suspicion has been cleared

Working in close proximity to each other

It is expected that our nature of work will often require team members to work in close proximity to each other. Therefore we are “pairing” our members in groups of 2 and 3 to form their own “bubbles”. Each bubble will still need to maintain physical distancing from other bubbles

Speak up

We encourage all team members to speak up if:

  • they wish to offer improvements to this plan
  • if they feel unsafe on a job site due to the main contractor / owners unsatisfactory implementation of suitable site protocols

In the office

  • We advise a physical distance of 1m between workers
  • We clean surfaces on a regular basis to maintain high hygiene standards
  • We don’t share any equipment between workers
  • We limit physical interaction between workers
  • We keep a record of every place we have visited, and every person we have interacted with. It is important that this is kept updated
  • We have no face to face meetings with anyone outside of our extended “company bubble”. All meetings to be via phone, WhatsAPP or similar

When we are travelling to site / between sites

  • A maximum of 2 people per vehicle
  • All vehicle movements will be monitored and recorded for each team via GPS or E Road
  • Every installer or installation team will update/complete the attached contact form. Download contact form
  • All our personal items will be kept on our person or in our bag. No personal items are to come in contact with the interior of the vehicle
  • The vehicle must be thoroughly cleaned after each use. This includes touch items such as steering wheel, door handles, dashboard, etc

When entering any site

  • We wash our hands before entering the site, to ensure we don’t introduce any germs to the site
  • We Follow site-specific sign-in procedures. Note each site could be different as this process is controlled by the main contractor / owner
  • If we are working in a client’s home, we will ensure the client understands what we are doing, and how we will do it, including any access to switchboards, etc
  • We have the necessary PPE. This includes disposable gloves, and hand sanitizer as well as our regular PPE
  • We observe 2M physical distancing requirements if queuing to enter the site

When working at a site

  • We establish our area of work and confirm that we observe physical distancing with any other workers or the client
  • The work area is adequately ventilated
  • We do not share our tools with other trades – if we do, we will ensure that they are properly cleaned before and after
  • If physical distancing measures introduce other H & S risks, these will be considered and allowances made
  • We bring a packed lunch to work. Buying fast food is high risk and should be eliminated
  • When receiving deliveries, we do not want to expose our suppliers to the hassles of site sign in etc so we will receive all deliveries outside. We will not sign for any deliveries or have any physical contact with the driver. We will have our gloves on, so in the unlikely event the packaging is contaminated, we will still be personally protected
  • We wear our PPE. It is the site owners responsibility to “cleanse” the site each day, however, we can’t assume this will be done so it’s best to wear gloves at all times or wash hands regularly if wearing gloves is not suitable

When leaving a site

  • We follow site-specific sign out procedures
  • We dispose of any used disposable gloves & cleaning wipes/rags in the designated site rubbish bins
  • We wash our hands before leaving the site, to ensure we don’t take any germs with us

Warmup ANS job scheduling system

Outlook calendars for waterproofing installers will be updated with all scheduled jobs while the job board will have all scheduled jobs for heating installers. All jobs will be backed up on an excel spreadsheet.

Warmup Wellington job scheduling system

Google calendars will be updated with all scheduled jobs and information recording. Ensure that the job sheet is completed for each install.

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